Monday, December 26, 2011

On Network Storage Device

A friend messaged me awhile ago. She was asking if i knew something on system administrator. I was suprised on his thought since she knew for a fact that my field is on public administration. Maybe, she confused herself on the idea that i administered few sites. If only she knows that the portals are just products of research and friends advised. Thanks to my friends online and to a software engineer who later became a close friends and helped me a lot in almost anything. This friend from India knows a lot. From all the programming codes to the best picked on site hosting and storage stuff. He even mentioned to me about iscsi storage. I was juts listening to him since i dont have any idea about what he is talking about. I have heard about storage area network but i dont know the entire thing. Its actually hard to feed your brain with stuff that you barely know coz in this case i end up researching word for word. Its highly technical, so if the friend asked me again about network storage device, i will just advised her to have it searched in the net. Im sure it will gives her so many relative inputs.