Friday, September 23, 2011

Friday Updates

Two more days to go and the week will about to end. Friday seems a day to celebrate about because it marks the end of working days for some. I am not an exemption to that too but since i am over busy dealing with a lot of stuff lately, i have been asking for few leaves consecutively. Its not a secret that i am doing some online tasks too and at the same time a regular worker. Sometimes, i do have hard time managing my time and finishing all deadlines especially that i accept works as article writer. Mind you guys, its not always easy to do multiple deadlines while trying to finish all your dozens of tasks excellently. I do run out of words sometimes and I also encounter some moments where my brain is not working. Nevertheless, i have personal motivations which drives me to work hard. I dont want to let those nerves eat my laziness. Success for me is something that is about reaping fruits after a laborious and tiring journey of hardwork and perseverance thats why i opt to face my battles.

Speaking of lifes battles, recently we are at the midst of hardships and im not ashamed of it because no life in this world that is shaped by pure happiness. I will not be ashamed if we will have no water or electricity in the coming days nor food at the table because we knew our priorities. My sister will be taking her board exam and she will fly at her location in the next few months. Her tuition and expenses are bloated that we have to simply adjust few things to cater her needs. I knew some people cant understand with such endeavors simply because they have no experience for such stuff but for parents who are struggling to meet both ends while giving their children a priceless possession then i knew they have a heart for us. But in some ways, i find it rewarding and fulfilling. I knew in due time all of our sacrifices will be paid off. We just have to wait for a little time and finally we can start a family journey and celebrate our triumphs. To my sister, goodluck day. We will always pray for you and we will remain to be at your side whether you will made it in the board exam or not.