Monday, June 20, 2011

On Homosexuals

So many things had been said about the third sex. For one, they had been judged because many people think that they dont have space in this cruel society. I may have conservative views nonetheless i am always vocal in trying to stand with my disposition to respect our gay friends. I have nothing against our religious doctrines and with the stands of our church but in terms of moral considerations i believe its time that we accept them for who they are and not for who they want us to be. I have so many friends who are homosexual yet i dont see them as someone less of me, instead i appreciate their guts and self condfidence to come out of the open. Mind you guys, its not easy to shout to the whole world and confirm your real sexuality. Thank God, the social stigma nowadays is not that extreme unlike before where the society acknowledges only two genders. Gladly, more and more people are open minded about the possibility of same sex marriage or even just with the mere acceptance on them as such.The internet is also an avenue not only for dating niche between a male and its opposite but also like gay Romania. A dating sites where a homosexual can find love. At the end of the day, lets not fail to remember that everyone deserves respect and consideration.