Thursday, April 7, 2011

I'm not Special, I'm Just Limited Edition

Gone are the days where i spent the whole night in regrets. Couldn't forget those sleepless nights where i spent the waking hours in vain. I remember a good friend who kept on telling me to stop messing and instead be brave enough to accept the reality that really sometimes LOVE hurts. Its indeed painful, no amount of words can describe how i was so broke at that time. But that were all in past. Now, they're just a simple reminder that you cant be sure of the people you love and that no matter how we love them, we cant force them to love us back the way we wanted them to be. Years has passed before i found a man that i can completely say, "there he is and hes mine". But it wasn't easy all along to finally entertain the past thoughts with a smile. But really after some great realization, i have finally learned that a great man needs not to be your ideal man sometimes the least man you could ever imagined is the one person who would gives you your ultimate happiness. Thats how my hubby is and thats how I'm a limited edition to him.