Friday, March 25, 2011

Graduation Day

Today is the graduation day of my sister. Although my brother wasnt able to make it due to his busy sched, i still manage to join the family. Thank God my boss was not strict enough and allows me to take an off today. It was a pretty great celebration. My father managed to take a leave though it was a busy week for them. The good thing was, only the honor graduates were able to march with their parents so we really felt so overwhelmed that my sister was included in the cream of the crop. When her name was called and my father came to the stage to put the medal, i felt the joy that my father was feeling at that time. I can feel how the family is so proud and overjoy of the achievement of my sister. Its like a graduation ceremony too of my parents, being able to sent us all to school. To my beloved sister, thank you for the achievement that you've brought to the family. This is just the start of a long journey.