Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Critiques and Friends

Of course the world is not perfect so as the people living in here. Some may like you and some may definitely get envy on you for no reason. Maybe because they hate you because they saw you as a potential competitor on them or simply because they cant stand out when your there. That is basically normal human persona, its very natural for us to be insecure, get irritated and be mad. They are felt because human has emotions and capable of feeling those not so good attitude. Nevertheless, when you knew for yourself that you don't aggrieved any party nor you hurt any people then basically life must go on. BUT if your attitude comes with an over confidence to the extent that you felt that you own the world, then please be awaken coz life doesn't always has happy endings. I really hate people who are overconfident and as if they felt that they don't need anyone. I guess it has something to do with the way they were molded and brought up. I have a friend who is really a socialite, i mean she just lives alone here but life in the city is extremely different. She really hang out at night especially if its pay day and she is also so tackless, i mean there's really nothing wrong with being so vocal for as long as you don't offend anyone but if its beyond your limitations then its another story. Everybody in the group hates her and i guess she also felt that there's something wrong in her attitude. We always reminds her that there is nothing wrong to be a socialite coz its part of socialization and gaining wider circle of friends, at least socialization is good than being a social climber, right?