Saturday, August 28, 2010

Personality Development

A person is being molded and shaped based on his internal and external environment. Internal are based on her genetic personality,traits inherited from parents or immediete families and the later part are contributed by the environmenet he belongs with. For instance if he grows up to an environment where people has a good brought up then most likely he will end up to be a good citizen nonetheless its never a guarantee of him to be a good person or having a good personality, its all the total package that will tell of what he will become. An individuals personality according to wikepedia is aggragated by the decisions we made througout our lives, those tests and hard earned lessons we surpassed will either made us or broke us depending on how we accept and value these trials into our lives, however there are professionals who are experts on thsi field that will help us in having a much better personality, i have encountered one which is the Sedona Method Review which will help you mold into a better person and will be helpful in grwong everyday as a matured and responsible individual.