Monday, June 23, 2008

maritime incidents:mv princess of the stars

Another tragic maritime incidents occured in the midst of the typhoon frank, last friday in its route cebu to manila, of its 800 passengers, as of now only 4 was been considered survivor.
As of this time, the maritime industry is indergoing its search and rescue operation to the passengers of the said passenger ship.
Family's of the passengers are with close contact with the rescue team, with the hope of getting the bodies of their loved ones,no official statements has been issued by the management of sulpicio lines as of this times for the updates of the said tragedy.
Lets include in our prayers for the eternal repouse of the victims of mv princess stars.


clockworkchico said...

coming from the same industry, its a shame that "accidents" like this still happen. people should be vigilant in monitoring suplicio would do the right thing, unfortunately its all politics in the end

btw. i like your blog despite the blare of bright pink smacked in my forehead :)