Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Longest Name Ever..

They say that your name speak about you, so if your were named before a saint, most likely your family belongs to those who have good religion background, but what if your named as Adolph Blaine Charles David Earl Frederick Gerald Hubert Irvin John Kenneth Lloyd Martin "Nero Oliver paul Quincy Randolph Sherman Thomas Uncas Victor William Xerxes Yancy Zeus" can u still breath on that upon introducing your name,.,,hehehe.i doubt it.Perhaps with that name you would rather be named after a flower or an animal instead, you might just ask you mom to be named even just as "cat" like me, or even just gumamela, santan or even a name narra will do just to give your friends the convenience of speaking your name,..hahaha
However, choosing what name to be given is always the prerrogative and at the same time the right of our parents, nonetheless whatever, the meaning behind each name has its own significance value, not only to the parents but i guess to their family as well. let us always respect and give a corresponding value to each individuals name, in that way, we can always appreciate the value of our name and the name of our significat others.