Thursday, January 10, 2008

Just friends??????????????????????

This is an excrept from one of my emails which i wanted to share to all the girls who were into the "just friends" arrangement..which i think is common nowadays..and at the same time this helped me understand why the "just friends" syndrome is so widespread.A guy wants to get to know a girl but wihout the pressure of dating. So he spends a lot of time with her, treating her in many ways like a girlfriend but defining the relationship as friends. This way, if it begins to look like there's no future in the relationship, or hes not ready to get serious, he can back away with no messy break up. it sounds like a nice arrangement - for the guy.

But that approach can be a problem for the woman.If a man tells a woman he just wants "to be friends" but he treats her like its more than friendship, she will believe his behaviour instead of his words. It sets her up for a big disappointment. Or if he invokes the "just freinds" mantra after being asked about the nature of the relationship, but then promptly begins to distance himself from the friendship, again his actions do not match his words

Women can be great friends, But guys, unless you are ready for a dating relationship, please be careful to treat us, as sisters with absolute purity,not as girlfriends,,,NOR SOMETHING IN BETWEEN.