Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Excited and Inspired

I have few good vibes today so i just let them overflow by now. First off, i'm now officially part of the most elusive paying site and it was really a nice post birthday present. I actually just build my new site for them and thankful that my prayer was answered. I really can't believe i've made it knowing that i'm not an expert blogger nor knowledgeable in that craft. I just do it on my own and proud to be a reader fanatic. So, i am just motivated to build more if my finances allows me. In any case, in time ill surely have one more and another more. Blogging addict indeed.

Another thing, i am just savoring some good thoughts today. I mean there are things im keeping that warms my heart big time. I wish to share it but i think i would have it post in time and let you know guys some personal tale i wish to savor. I'm really just glad that God gave me a good man, it is really a huge thing for me.So, while im still free and have my own time, ill savor the moment and live my life to the fullest :) What a day!!!


Unknown said...

nice post sis...i can see your feelings through your post. i‘m back again...thanks for being there visit me back

Yannie said...

Congrats! looking forward to your next post regarding about this. I want to earn extra money too. :)