Sunday, March 27, 2011

Getting Personal

I admit it, there are moments where i felt i wanted to be private and expose less of my personal issues but there are exclusive times that i wanted to extend my boundaries to share my thoughts, my feelings and my sorrow when i felt so, like this time. This very rare tims where i wanted to go naked as far as my personal stuff and issues are concerned. Maybe there were few posts that i shared, where i talk about my present bundle of joy. Yes i am in a relationship right now. I am attached to a foreigh borfriend for quite sometimes and all through out this days are struggle in maintaining a long distance relationship. Nonetheless, i cant see any issue between us as ive seen how he really works hard to keep the flame burning. Last night after we had a good talk, i realized how lucky i am to have him. A priceless possession that i wanted to take the best of care. The thoughts that no matter how busy he is with work, he still managed to phone me several times a day just to check how im feelin, when im down and now where to load my emotional garbage, he is just a text away and he will isncerely listen to me no matter how childish i am. In times of crises, where i needed someone to lean on, he was the only person who became visible and plan things out. Everyday, i am sometimes in doubt if he is the right man for me coz i am already afraid once more to carry a bag full of regrets but in the same way, every single day he always makes me feel like i am the only woman who matters to him. He may not be perfect in all sense coz we have our own share of arguments and fights, but at the end of the day, his imperfection is fine with me and when i realized i can accept his flaws then i began to accept the fact that he has indeed owned my heart. I hope one day like i always hope before, i can share once a more our story but at that time hopefully it would be a happily ever after ending like every single woman dreamed for. I knew its only Him who exactly knew where he leads my path and as to whom he wanted me to be with but at this very time, i believe im at the right path already. In his arms full of care, protection, loyalty, understanding and above all uncondtional love. It may not be so clear to me what exactly true love is but i believe i am feeling it this time, more than half of what it truly meant.