Tuesday, June 17, 2008

so in love.....

At my most unexpected days,,,he came,,,just when i needed him most.God has really an amazing plan to each of us, in most times we have trials but at most he gave reasons to smile. I am so happy that at last ive found him, at the very corner of my world where i havent noticed his existence at first,now brings life and color to my world. I am so grateful that destiny permits us to be together. to cross our paths and to be able to know each other better.
I once believed that i have finally met someone before whom i wanna share my life with, but i was completely wrong, coz the man whom i entrusted my heart gave it back to me broken, and now i wanna believe that this time around, i have given it once again to a right man, he may never be a perfect man, just an ordinary person who gave meaning to my life and a reason to fall in love once more.