My former professor once said " Public Office is a Public Trust", the professor is no other than the fomer Commissioner of the Commission on Audit on which he served almost half of his life in the public service. He was a great teacher in so far as the entire discussions on the different subject matter is concern, he always has an opnion on anything that concerns the government particularly about the corruption issues in general. There was even one time when we were debating on the credibility of the country in the international arena of course putting into the picture the massive and large scale graft and corruption that is visible in any government office. I personally would tell that this thing is no longer a disease but its already like a cancer that is too far for eradicating but the real time solution is just to lessen, if we still wanted to. I am not telling that there is no good people behind the bureacracy because i know there is and there are people who wanted to make a difference. Like the auditor, Ms. Heide Mendoza, who is the recent eye witness for the alleged AFP corruption. She was been interrogated during the hearing today and i was touched by her courage of coming out in the open to expose the misconduct and graft issues behind the office of the Armed Forces. I was shocked by the amount she was mentioning and totally amazed of how she was so sure of what she was talking. I realized it isnt just a penny that government is spending and wasting for the government officials who just use the office for their respective personal agenda. I am saddened of the fact that these ordinary people who are faithfully contributing to the government through their taxes were just wasting their money and is just directly putting it in the pocket of selfish government officials who has no soul of using the public money as if their own. I wanted to condemn these officials of misappropriating public funds and saddend by the fact that the Audit department of these country is not that effective and credible anymore. It is indeed true that no matter how we try to save the world in our own little way when we are also sorrounded by larger number of people who has selfisg agenda than selfless deeds, then our ambition of changing the institution will surely be overtake. However, i am still hopeful that the generation to come will have more patriotism towards teh country and aim for a change. A change that will not just change or eradicate corruption but in a larger scale will aim for a change in the system and in the government in general.There may be two roads of principles in this life, ive taken the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
The Marvel of Technology
Indeed technology brings a different convenience to the people nowadays.I remember when i was still on my high school years, i always complain to my teacher about stuff related to the omputer. I always had an excuse whenever we were told to have a hands on exam of using the computer, its because im afraid to use and operate the said thing. I am nervous that i might broke it or just encounter a problem upon using it, even just clicking the mouse is a big thing to me. I never thought how this small stuff would bring difference to our lives today. But now, after so many yeas of trying and experimenting over this so called the marvel of technology, i can say that i may be included to those people who so to speak, internet savvy. Thanks to the trial and error times which made me the expert that i am today.Who could tell that the woman who was once had a phobia on computer will end up an addict and not only that, we became lovers over time. To the point that i was able to experiment a lot of stuff and through my persistent effort of researching as how i can maximize my learnings, i was able to used it and earned later on. It just started on googling some basic keywords like how to build a website then late on, i have finally made it and now im at the point of harvesting my hard earned labor. Its what you call, labor of love and the fruit of believing in what you have and when you believe thats the time that youre dream will slowly come true, just believe.