Duhhh..i spent the entire day transferring from one place to the other and from one payment center to another. Its bills day so i opt to settle some monthly bills that were due today. Im just grateful the honey wired my budget early morning so i was able to get it before lunch time. Im happy i was able to buy almost everything that we need at home. I settled our utilities, buy our grocery and had our gas tank refilled. My goodness, the refill for the latter cost almost a thousand and i doubt if i can still afford to have it monthly not unless ill have a good income at all my portals. The honey is so considerate, he even went through out of his way just to please me and i knew he is doing everything because he loves me. How lucky i am to have had a partner that simply understands not only my personal needs but my family's welfare. Since, i dealt with my monthly expenses already, my income from my portals will be for my shopping galore..hehehe. Shhhh, i hope the honey cant read this post or else i will not have an allowance next week,(lol).
Anyway, its a beautiful friday and i hope you did had a blast today. Happy Weekend guys.