In any business, its important to establish marketing strategy to convince more customers and retain the old ones. If we can observe these huge business firms, their real assets lies on how they promote their products to the market. Its how they gave the utmost service to the customers that made them stay on top. They have branding and marketing quotes for teh customers to easily recognice the products and commercials and paid advertisements are among the most popular marketing activities of popular brands. Nonetheless, its not only through media or radio advertisement that will paved the way to brand popularity, some may consider also offering printed products or at the advent of the new technology, some would consider internet marketing. In internet marketing, you can consider getting a specialist of just hire a firm that will do the marketing stuff from direct marketing, print marketing, website services. For banks and other financial institutions, you may consider designs for business checks. This is also one way of brand marketing which are also applicable for personal checks. There are variety of ways to market and promte your products. But at the end of the day, its always the quality and great service that will matter to the customers.