Saturday for me is the best time to pamper myself. I normally spend time at home or just roam around the nearest mall. I believe I need to spend a little time on myself because on top of everything, things would not be possible if I do not take care of my health. So, I picked up my groceries today and strolled around.
I could count on my fingers the number of times I will be at the mall in a week. Simply because, its just the only place I know that I can relax my mind. So, it just took me few hours to pick up the stuff we needed. I had my lunch then went straight to the terminal. Right at the moment I needed to unload my groceries, this super big dog was in front of me and I felt nervous, simply because I'm not a dog lover.
It was during my secondary school years when this dog ran after us. It created such a phobia in me towards dogs from that point on. But, time really changed me. You see, when I met my former boyfriend who is a veterinarian, it opened up the door for me to learn to love dogs. In fact. there was a point where we visited this dog store and I had a great time looking around and checking out a few different breeds. That was also the time I got some vital input about the best dog food. These animals need to be fed with the right food and supplements for them to grow strong and be healthy.
Well, I would love to have one today if I could find a cute breed I like. I can just imagine how my dad would react if I shared this idea with him. Let's see.