Saturday, July 21, 2012

Win $50 in Cash - No Sweat

HI folks, you might be interested in winning a no sweat $50 instantly or earn few bucks in just submitting your entry. If you're interested leave me a message.

Here are the mechanics:
1. Write a story about your dad, your husband or someone you know who is potential to be featured.
2. We'd prefer specific stories of something a Dad has done.
For example if a Dad saved his son from a flood, or fixed up a car for
his daughter to go to school, etc. Just pictures or a video is fine
3. Leave me a message if you're interested. There is also a compensation even just for an entry.

Random Thoughts

Well, i figured i need to leave some updates here. I forgot doing so until a good friend reminds me this morning. Anyway, like i said i had a busy day. From dealing with a variety of errands and dealing with a lot of stuff. This week, my dad underwent a minor operation specifically dealing with his metabolic problems. Settling some medical expenses is really not an easy venture. As my dad told us, if one has no money there's no other means than to bear the pain. Thanks to our Provider for making things easy for us. It also helps that God provides and that HE didn't leave us alone. Now my dad. is doing fine already. There was no infection or worst stuff seen. He is under medication and we already bought all of his prescribed medicine courtesy of my brother. The hubby takes charge of the operation and the professional fees of his doctors and hopefully, my dad will get better. I have mentioned in my sites how my partner was so worried and in just a text away he would immediately do something as he knew i was in a bad spot. I am really thankful that i had this kind of man and my dad tearfully thank him that HE is never hesitated in helping my loved ones in all of our crises and endeavors. I also want to thank the Provider for continuously answering all my prayers and for making things possible. Really, i would rather just deal with other stuff not just facing a sick loved one whom i can't do nothing. Its so hard.