I remember a friend who was ranting about her son who was very much cute in his age,his mom told me that this little kid keeps on asking her a lot of question, about anything that he sees, Upon hearing her story, i am very much delighted and find the thing so interesting not because i am amazed by her mom's reaction but by this little cute trait of the child. Funny, when we were still young, we are very transparent, we open up everything that concerns us, when we're hurt, we immedietly told our parents how this young boy made fun of us, when we top some exams, we couldnt help but get rushed home and tell our parents how many stars we got from our teachers. But when we reached at the age of our adolescent years, we became hesitant, we feel its not anymore approprieate to tell all, just a little for our parents and now we have grown up, too little to tell and the rest are kept in our hearts - the home of pain, of joy, of disappontments, of heartaches, of love and of things we believe keeping them there is the safest thing to do.
Friday, March 26, 2010
In the recent meeting of the United Nations, one of its very critical issues they talked was about the the Climate Change, True enough this dilemma does not just happened in one side of the world, it happens everywhere and its just so critical already that we must address to this problem before its too late. If im not mistaken, the massive floods that happened recently in the country is such so alarming and until now the inconsistent climate that affect billions of agriculture in our place is just few of the effects of Climate Change. Thus its very important that starting today we should know how to protect our environment, or do somethin about this one. I knew there are more ways to create change but this change can only be done on a single step.
Allow me to share this new stuff, i just read a while ago, its about an International Company called N-VIRO, which develops and licenses its technology on their pattented processes that use lime and / or mineral rich, combustion byproducts to treat or pasteurize, immobilize and convert wastewater sludge and other bioorganic wastes into biomineral agricultural and soil-enrichment products with real market value. Isnt this amazing? aside from it helps our environment through recycling waste into energy, the product from this technology gives a great benefit from alternative energy and renewable energy which emphasizes in clean-coal technology and oppurtunity fuels into a more advanced output that uses this process of converting our wastes into fertilizers and other soil-enriched products. This company has been here for a decade and yet we fail to recognized how this firm is a great help not only to us but will be very instrumental in our enviroment conservation campaign.