IT was not only the streamers, ribbons, leaflets nor ballpens that has clicked the campaign period nowadays, but bracelets too and even the our favorite colors says something else. THat is why the endorsers are more careful in chooisng their clothesm the colors and even more careful the way they positioned their fingers coz it might says somethin else, how funny but only these ELECTION i have encountered lots of personal black propaganda, immature campaigns and lots of below the belt propaganda. OF course, filipinos are not that matured but there are also extents that people says "ITS TOO MUCH" like for instance the latest balck propaganda for NOYNOY AQUINO, which qesutioned his mental health, it really didnt clicked and even fall back for the party who initiated those malicious news. Nevertheless, it has also taught a lot of things to the voters, to be more vgilant to the candidates, and that at the end of the day it will help in chosing for the right man in the position.
WEll. whatever color we are to, lets al walk out from our shelter and exerciseour right for sufrage, coz its only i this moment we will contribute to our society a change, that afte all, WE ARE WAITING FOR.