Saturday, November 13, 2010


Its indeed a blessing to have a great family by your side plus a supprotive parents and ever sweet sister and brother. Im proud to say that our youngest will be graduating soon and guss what - she did it with flying colors. HUrrayyyyyyyy.well she has attained one of the most aimed honors a student would want for. But i knew its not the end of all these, ahe will be taking her review for the CPA board exam. Hopefully by next year, we can have a CPA sister.wink. Our prayers for her really. Today she just received a call from a multi company offering for a job, theyre a US based company and theyre having a project in our place so they offered a job for my sister but then she is scheduled for a review by next year so its not going to happen soon. But her dream really is to be an accountant someday and i believe that she can make it. Well its going to be a wonderful year for us next year. All sacrifices are paid off, much than we expected. I remember once we were at the midst of family crises and what my father just told us is to make good of our studies so that we can proved to them that education are our key for survival. Non its slowly realizing all our dreams. Its indeed better to be humble than to be flatter yourself too much coz you dont know when the time comes youre at the downest part and the people you critizise and above of u. Time can only tell what will happen but one thing is sure as long as God is with ur side. Youll end up victorious.Mwah