Sunday, October 31, 2010

Earning Online Tips

The advent of new technolgy doesnt just offers convenience to us but it opens a wide avenue of opportunities from online sjobs, online shopping and other online stuff that made task simplier. Nonetheless, for those people who go beyond the usual trends, what is more rewarding now is earning online with just your computer and with your own time. Isnt it amazing to be the boss and earn dollar with just simple tasks and not so complicated work. That is the real deal now, to those who dont believe yet of how amazing technology is then better read some write ups and online tips which are indeed useful and helpful if you want it a try. I recommend to visit for newbie out there and even to those who want to expand their avenue and wanted to earn more. This is an amazing tip, isnt it?

Best Dog Names

For pet lovers out there, im sure youll be interested with some updates for your cute pets especially those that have dogs. Did you know that you can choose a variety of great and cute names for your puppies in just a click away, if you are one of those out there who have been searching for Pit Bull Names , Siberian Husky Names , Labrador Retriever Names or your most loved German Shepherd . Then this is a great news for you because ive heard a great site which offers popular and unique dog names. Not only thats, you can choose variety of names from the ordinary to the most popular and even Celebrity Dog Names if you wante to. What are you waiting for, visit the site now.

Baby Names

Are you looking for a name that will best fit on your baby? Then worry no more because in the advent of new technology, you dont need anymore to read the encyclopedia from page to page just to have the best name for your child. Now, its just a click away and youll have instantly a variety of names for babies. Unlike before that babies oftentimes have repeated names and some parents will just give their baby common names coz of the fact that they cant think of the best name for him/her. Now you can instantly search Baby Names For Girls in just a second and choose the best one for your child. It will not even take you a minute to look for a name for your baby. The site is one of the most visited and ha sthe most comprehensive list in the net. Baby Names are just a click away.

Lovely Blog Award

Despite the busy scheds i have lately i am really overwhelmed by this "One Lovely Blog award" which was given to me by a dear blogger "A Single Mom's Blog". Really blogging didnt only gave me wonderful insights of technology but much more of that- it widens my circle of friends regardless of the places we lived in. I really admire people who are really friendly and reach out to bloggers who are just struggling in this journey. With this allow me to pass on these award to bloggers worth of these.


- Accept the award. Post it in your blog with the name of the person who has granted this award and his / her blog link.

- Pay it forward to 15 bloggers that you have newly discovered.

- Contact the blog owners to let them know thay they've been chosen.

And here are my 15 blogger friends:

1. Anita
2. Joy
3. Happy Wife's Blog
4. Wonderful Thoughts Online
5. Mom's Wishlists Blog
6. Supermom's Blog
7. Toto
8. Pleasure of Imagination
9. Filipina Diary Blog
10. Fe's Blog
11. Genny's Blog
12. Gbeth's Blog
13. My Daily Moods Blog
14. Housemom Journey Blog
15. Tourguide

I hope youll be happy with these award guys! Enjoy Blogging.

Beach Time

Its actually a great sunday for us, its like a victory party for my mom's slate and it was indeed super fantastic. They prepared great foods and kids were also present which make it a great day. Though it was raining but then it didnt hinders the group to enjoy and had fun. We were so lucky that we were complete there and inspite of the heavy rain, we enjoyed the waves and the laughters too with some drinking session. We brought with us tecquilla which energizes the group. They prepared lots of parlor games which made it so awesome.Before that, wewent to church with the rest of my siblings to thank God for the wondeful gift to us. Indeed God is great, all the time. Have a great sunday night guys!

Friday, October 29, 2010

The Sounds of the Rain

No matter how much we love sunshine but then there must be a rain to water the plants and to water dry lands. The sun and the gloomy skies are all helpful in these world of ours. Its also an indication that our life needs a balanced element so as to make order in nature and in life as well. We may need happiness because we all want to crave for it but sorrown as pain are vital too to make us a strong individual. These days when im at home, and had time bonding with me bed and pillows, i cant help but reminisce and no matter how i loved going out, i opt not because of the heavy rain and the cold wind that as if says "better sleep". As the rain drops slowly at our roof, i remember my childhood years, when i am always looking forward of the rain so as to enjoy its pours. Today i cant remember even the last time it rains, the last time i felt it. Coz i always look forward of the sunshine and the comfort it brings but as i slept in my bed looking at the ceiling, i realized, i should learn to love the rain too coz like now i may not enjoy the serenity of silence and the comforts of our homw if not of it pours. We mau hate it whenever it comes but as always, its tiny drops meansa lot to others. Like this journey of ours, we may not know HIS plans for us but always trust in HIS will, coz HIS wisdom is better than of us.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Glass Showcase

In beautifying ones home, you need to consider variety of factors.Repairs are one, painting comes next and after that are added things that will give a great ambiance. For instance, in creating a cabinet at your dining room, its best to design your own than purchase a ready-made one. First because you can choose what design you want, it will be customized and will surely fit at your dining space and lastly you can choose your painting and even recommend for some insertion of added beautifying effects. Nonetheless, a beautiful cabinet will not be as presentable as those we saw from furniture shops if not of the glasses attached into it. Glass adds beauty and class to ones furniture. But you have to be extra careful in choosing one. If you are looking for a manufaturer of glass that will fit in your state of the art furnitures store fixtures and then you must check out Sturdy Store Displays, manufacturers of showcases and store displays. The advantage of checking the site is that you can see variety of showcases from the basic one to the ready to ship cases. For home lovers out there, its the best time to check for new funiture and glasses as well, in time for holiday season.

Overwhelming Support

Im happy to share to you guys that my mom won last election and indeed we were lucky that she garnered a great votes from our constituents.We were really amazed that the turned out of votes was for my mom and we are in deep gratitude to those who in one way or another has helped my mom coz i knew her winning woundt be possible if not of people who loved us. I felt the love and sincere support of my closest friends and people we dont even know personally but came and supported her. Majority of their slates won and two from the other party which is not bad at all since mostly these two just ranked lower than of them. It was reallya day full of pretentions however at the end of the day its the strategy that counts at the end. I remember a girl who was campaigning for a candidate and she thought she was a somebody to convinced other people but she proved it wrong. At least now she knew where she stands and that she would learn her lesson, sadly it was the hard way. She hated my mom very much because of some things she dislikes about nonetheless it doesnt hinders and though there were negative issues they even created for my mom but we decided to keep mum but now its judgement time. Indeed you can never put a good person down. Especially that we have her at her back and we have prepared the fight. Shame on her for degrading our family as if she has the competence to do so. I knew i should never step down on her level but for some time you have to open up your bitternes so that they will knew that we also learn to fight and that if its for familys sake we will not be idle and that there are boundaries for everything. The world is not really just for powerful people and people who have money coz sometimes your money is not everything and sometimes no matter how you hate the fact there are really space for lossers. No matter how we hate to admit it but we have won the last time, we win this time and we will win for the fights to come. Cheers guys!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Election Day

This is the judgment day for all candidates hopeful for any posts. I guess some of them are already nervous of the outcome and some may already feel relieved nevertheless i am happy that we have done our best as far as support to our mom is concerned. All of us went house to house to campaign for my mom and really each of us has been so instrumental in her candidacy. As of this moment, there are still lot of people at home and really so tiring but then this is another day that is beyond special. I do hope my mom will make it but still open to the scenario of losing because we always believe that if its really for you and God wants you to be there then there's no reason why you will not end up there but if its not meant for you then no matter how you try harder, it will not really end up with you. Goodluck to us and to the rest of the candidates. I hope its still the spirit of sportsmanship that will prevail at the end.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Thrilling and Exciting

Election is already felt in our barangay and i guess even to the nearby place in town. I can already see people talking to the voters and some even prepared their vote buying strategies. Meetings are everywhere and SK voters are all gone. I wondered where they are going, but well im not so ignorant on that strategy. Nonetheless at the end of the day it all depends on the voter himself. But really i am so grateful that we were been so blessed in terms os support for my mom, financially and resources wise. At least we have already prepared everything ahead of time and all is ready. I admire how each of us support my mom all the way, from preparation of all she needs until to the last card. We also talk to one another about our respective strategies and even hired a watcher for my mom alone. Lucky that aside from the money we have set aside, our aunt came and gave us support just to make sure my mom will win and the rest of the guys who really came and gave out their personaly and monetary support for her candidacy. I knew its really been so thrilling and we are also nervous on the outcome but rest assured that lost or win, we are on her back, on her side and will always be with her, as her children. And that made her the winner.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Getting To KNow Our Candidates

Last night was our KNow your Candidates night and it went out great. Its actuallya time to know who among the aspirant are worth of our votes. I am thankful that they decided to orfanize such events so to have the voters a chance to know the abilities and capacity of those running in the posts. Ours was not as perfect as everyone would see it but still i am grateful that i knew them individually, at least their name and their background perhaps. I also was able to know which candidates are just so eager to be at the office so as to receive their respective allowances. But this monday is really a day for a change. Change in the sense that every vote counts and every vote is heard. I am crossing my finger that this election may end up peacefully.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Am Sleepy

Oh my, im so sleepy now, but i really don't want to sleep coz i will prepare all my things. I hope my friend will fetch me up here so that i have company to the terminal. Ive been busy trying to clean things in the room, plus manang - the one who clean our dirty clothes, is not yet done of the laundry. I wish i could left here earlier.

Critiques and Friends

Of course the world is not perfect so as the people living in here. Some may like you and some may definitely get envy on you for no reason. Maybe because they hate you because they saw you as a potential competitor on them or simply because they cant stand out when your there. That is basically normal human persona, its very natural for us to be insecure, get irritated and be mad. They are felt because human has emotions and capable of feeling those not so good attitude. Nevertheless, when you knew for yourself that you don't aggrieved any party nor you hurt any people then basically life must go on. BUT if your attitude comes with an over confidence to the extent that you felt that you own the world, then please be awaken coz life doesn't always has happy endings. I really hate people who are overconfident and as if they felt that they don't need anyone. I guess it has something to do with the way they were molded and brought up. I have a friend who is really a socialite, i mean she just lives alone here but life in the city is extremely different. She really hang out at night especially if its pay day and she is also so tackless, i mean there's really nothing wrong with being so vocal for as long as you don't offend anyone but if its beyond your limitations then its another story. Everybody in the group hates her and i guess she also felt that there's something wrong in her attitude. We always reminds her that there is nothing wrong to be a socialite coz its part of socialization and gaining wider circle of friends, at least socialization is good than being a social climber, right?

Happy Wednesday

Its a great day for me and i hope for you too guys. I will take the last trip tonight on my way home and im so excited. At last ill be able to spend time with my family and sleep in my bed and bond with my sister. Though it will just be few days but iI still happy to be back home. Indeed, there's no place like home. Im sure its going to be a tough fight in the Barangay election but may the best people win. Its a game of strategies and of money, of course reality check. People will vote those who have money and seldom they vote for people who have sincere intentions. Anyhow, i still wish that things will went out fine. I hope candidates will be as behaved as possible and i also wish our constituents will not vote for people who are nonsense and doesn't know anything. I hope they will become intelligent voters as possible because public service requires brain. If you are just a typical individual who doesn't know anything except to listen then i guess the job is not for you, better stay at home and washed clothes. Coz progress comes when there are leaders who really know how to lead a place. Indeed leaders are not born they are made. Good luck to those who are running for an elective posts. May you all achieve your goals at the end of the day.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Page Rank 2

I coundt believe it, when i checked my page rank now, it turned out that i have a pager rank 2. It was really a great surprise. Yepey. Its the first time i have gained a pagerank after 4 years of blogging. Thanks Mr. Google for a pleasant surprise.

Versatile Blogger Award

I am so flattered when a beautiful friend Yen has given me this award. I guess this is my second award as blogger for almost 4 years of blogging. That is why i feel so great and awesome receiving such. To dear Yen, thank you.

The Rules: Be sure to thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.

* Share 7 things about yourself.
* Pass the award to other bloggers who you think deserves it.
* Be sure to let the bloggers know you chose them to receive the award

Here are the seven things about me:

1. I am a sweet and thoughful woman
2. I love to pamper my loved ones
3. I supr loved ice cream
4. I love buying shoes even if i cant use them all.
5. I am super glued to my family
6. I love staying at home
7. I have all issues of cosmopolitan

I am passing this to housemom, hazel , toto and Single Mom

Earn Money So Easily ; Im Not Kidding

I just wanted to spread the word. Ive found the site guys which is so amazing. The site is like mylot - youll get paid to answer questions or participate forums but this site paid even more. Recently i just post 15posts and i already have 2 dollars with me, so amazing. The minimum payout is
10 dollars and can be attained easily. Its still so complicated if youre new with the site but im willing to help you if you want to register.

You can register here:

Foot Spa Galore

Its been quite a while since i last pampered myself and this morning i decided to have a foot spa at my favorite salon. The salon became my suki already of my pedicure and manicure so i loved their service already and the woman who does the cleaning is already a friend and a confidante. She gave me a nice foot massage and pedicure. I do love how she make it a point to clean my nails and shaped it the way i love it. I choosed to color it green lush and i love how it turned out, unfortunately when i went out of the salon, it was raining so hard but luckily my newly cleaned nails was not bothered by the pouring of the rain. After this, ill be going to my bank to get the money where i changed for my mom. Its really so hard to changed your money nowadys especially that election day is fast approching, good thing the manager at that bank is a good friend so i was able to ask for that favor. By tomorrow ill take the last trip back home. Im done buying some food for pasalubong, just bought a box of utap and dried mangoes. I knew my siblings are already so used with utap that they dont make pansin with it anymore everytime we go home, but i bought it this time for some friends too. I guess the box of utap is like more than 10 pieces, im not that sure but now what matters to me is the idea of going home but before that i need to give instructions first to our laundry woman coz she will be coming tomorrow for my dirty clothes and im afraid i couldnt entertain her coz i have lots of things to do tomorrow. She is doing the laundry every week but now i asked her to come earlier as im going home. Hope i can update you guys when im home already.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Barangay Election

One particular reason why i will be going home is because of the Barangay Election. My mom is one of the hopeful candidates who is running for a particular post and since we are really so close to one another, we decided that ill be going in advance to help my mom out there. We are really not in favor of her going to that dirty politics because of the fact that people in my place are so different. And that the political scenario there arent just good to people who wanted really to help and do public service. Anyways since she really want the post, we wanted to support her all the way, no matter what it takes. Shes our mom and we will always be here for her, through thick and thin. Sadly, the election is really so expensive nowadys coz vote buying is really so rampant. I just wish it doesnt really takes us that much but im in doubt coz with the required winnings people really demand for money so that they will write you in their respective ballots. Its really a headache but we want to let her feel that her children are always on her back. I just hope our preparation will be worth it. Its sad that public service is now for sale.

Be Going Home

Finally ill be going home to my place this Wednesday. I am really so excited, coz finally i will be sleeping in my room and hug my pillows and eat vegetables. I actually just got sick a few weeks ago and since i couldnt leave my job, i was left really with no one except of myself. No one takes good care of me and worst i coundt eat even the full meal. Luckily, my borther brought be fruits and the entire week, i was just eating fresh fruits and lately i just ordered fresh fruits salad. That became my meal for almost a week. And when my mom called up, i really complained that i wanted to eat vegetables and fish.I guess i cant withstand a meal that are all take outs, i mean we cannot really do some cooking, so most of the time, we will just ate outside and i really cant live with that. When i was sick i was like a pregnant lady, i was craving for things i wanted to eat. And since my groceries are all canned goods, i really didnt eat the entire time. I just drink water and eat some sweets. I said to myself, tht i guess when ill get pregnant, its much more worst because i will be probably the most choosy woman ever,hehehhe. But finally ive gained back my appetite and im happy that i have losed weight and im back with my sexy figure. Im happy that when i bought my pants last weekend, i can finally fit some sexy jeans that i just longed when i gain weight. Anyway, i am glad i had the chance to go home while my account hasnt open yet so ill gonna be spending some quality time first at home and really decided personally to be with my family and eat foods that i like. I hope i woundt gain weight there.hehehhe

Super Typhoon Juan

I wish places who are affected by his super typhoon will really be prepared by the strong winds and possible landslides caused by this super typhoon. Its also very important that they will be prepared by their corresponding kit from the food, flashlights and medical kit for possible medical scenarios. If still has the chance as early as possible they are really advised to evacuate especially if they are near the seas where possible tydal waves may occur. We really feel lucky that despite the fact that Visayas regions are near with pacific oceans but seldom we are really visited by super typhoons. I guess its the faith of the people in these regions that really protect them from harm and natural calamities. I wish really there will be less people harmed from these calamities and my prayer for the people affected and will be affected by this super typhoon.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Super Typhoon Updates

Issued At: 5:00 a.m., 16 October 2010
Valid Beginning: 5:00 a.m. today until 5:00 a.m. tomorrow

Predicted Mean Sea Level Pressure
Analysis for 8 a.m., 16 October 2010

Predicted Mean Sea Level Wind
Analysis for 8 a.m., 16 October 2010

Satellite Image for 10 a.m., 16 October 2010

Synopsis: At 4:00 a.m. today, Typhoon "JUAN" was located based on satellite and surface data at 1,140 km East of Northern Luzon (16.8°N 133.8°E) with maximum sustained winds of 140 kph near the center and gustiness of up to 170 kph. Forecast to move Northwest at 20 kph.

Forecast: The whole country will experience mostly cloudy skies with scattered rainshowers and thunderstorms.

Moderate to strong winds blowing from the Northeast will prevail over Northern and Eastern Luzon and the coastal waters along these areas will be moderate to rough. Elsewhere, winds will be light to moderate coming from the Northeast to Northwest with slight to moderate seas.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Breast Cancer Awareness

pink ribbon

October is breast cancer awareness month. As a health care worker, I see and dealt a lot of patients even friends going through the battle of breast cancer. This month I would like to join the pink ribbon challenge. Just click the pink ribbon to help one woman save life by getting free mammogram. If you may join with me and pass the pink ribbon challenge. These links are ONLY for "Pink Ribbon Challenge" participants, any links not related to the Pink Ribbon Challenge will be deleted. Grab the code at Things We Share and post it in your blog entry. Please post only the Pink Ribbon Challenge actual post link here and help The Breast Cancer Site and National Breast Cancer Foundation Inc. by spreading the Pink Ribbon Challenge.

Rainy Friday

Its been a cold and gloomy firday now. The rain keeps on pouring and sounds like there is a low pressure area. But i guess its just normal coz whenever December is fast approaching, its always normal that the cold wind is always in the air. But now the rain is quite very moddy and he likes to pour everyday especially in the afternoon. I will do my grocery later this afternoon, just hope rain will stop pouring.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

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50 Questions to KNow Me

I was browsing over Random Thoughts Blog when i was so fascinated over these questions. Its about to know you better or perhaps its great to share some things to your readers. Here some stuff about me.

I was lucky to stumble upon these 50 questions that will somehow help us know our reason for being. Try answering for yourself.

1. How do you really feel about what you are doing right now at this exact moment? i am feeling sleepy
2. What is your fondest childhood memory? Who was there? What was going on? when i did had the chance to bond over my cousins before
3. How comfortable are you in your home? im very much comfortable
4. How comfortable are you in your town/city? State? not really so comfortable in my native place,i love it more here at present
5. What kind of weather do you like? gloomy
6. Do you believe you can have your cake and eat it, too? Why or why not? i do believe and i love it
7. What is one quality about your parent(s) that you really loved? caring and supportive - all the way
8. What is one quality about your parent(s) that you really do not like? sometimes theyre over protective - which is just natural
9. Do you like what you are doing for money? sort of
10. What do you feel is your greatest skill? am a people person
11. What do you feel is your greatest personality trait? ms congeniality
12. Do you feel like anything in your life is holding you back from ultimate joy? List of now, i cant think
13. Write a paragraph or two about your ideal weekend/time away from work. Include location, sights, smells, food, activities, and people. In Bohol, i like to be with my family
14. How close are you in proximity to the people you absolutely adore the most? just close
15. What do you want out of life? just to be happy
16. How do you think people will remember you, when you die? as nice and thoughtful girl
17. How do you want people to remember you, when you die?
18. Write your epitaph - the sentence you would want to appear on your grave. a nice and sweet girl
19. What is one thing you could do today, this week, this month, or this year to get a step closer to creating the legacy in #17? just be good to everyone
20. How do you feel about your home furnishings? theyre just fine
21. Do you have a hobby that you like to do but you don’t get paid for? What is it? cant think of
22. Does money hold you back from anything? What does it hold you back from? Be very specific. not really
23. What do you think of passionate people? theyre the one who have passion - hehehhe
24. Do you know anyone who you feel is living their dream? Who? What do they do all day and night? Be very specific. i cant think of
25. Do you think you can be completely satisfied living where you do right now? yes i am
26. What do you want to accomplish? to be a mother
27. Do you want to change your career? i wanted to
28. Do you wish you lived closer to a certain someone or group of people? yes i wish to
29. Do you wish you lived in a foreign country or a far away state? my dream - closer to that
30. What are three things that you do everyday that make you totally happy? sleep, shop and eat
31. What do you want to pass on to your children? me being nice and sweet
32. What is something you have never tried but would like to? mountain climbing
33. Are there things in life you wish you could reverse or make right? there are of course
34. Do you feel like you have enough money to live the way you want to? no i still dont have enough
35. Are you happy when you think about the upcoming day and all that it comes with?maybe
36. What do you find challenging? life
37. What do you find thrilling? life
38. What are three memories you haven’t yet created but you would like to? married life, motherhood and wife
39. Do you feel energized when you work? yes
40. Do you feel creative when you work? yes
41. Describe what you consider work, and what you consider play. What are the differences? work is business and play is out of business
42. Do you feel blessed or lucky to wake up each day? How can you get to that point? yes i am, just having the day to wake up
43. If all of your debt was forgiven tomorrow, and you had a completely clean slate, what is the very FIRST thing you would change about your life? me being so generous
44. Where are three places you have always thought about living but never did? bohol, abroad
45. When do you want to retire? when i reach 50
46. Is there an award or accolade you have always dreamed of winning or being recognized for? none
47. If you could learn how and money was not an issue, is there anything else you would do for work besides what you are doing now? Be specific. travel the world and have fun
48. List three things you would immediately change about your work day if you were the boss (assumes you are not the boss). to work daytime, i hate working at night
49. List three things you would immediately start doing on the weekends if you had the money. shop and travel
50. Imagine it is a big holiday and you are with your loved ones and you are living what you truly love. When they ask what you have been doing, what do you say in reply? im just having fun

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My Newest Blog

My other Blog is already open, its another blogspot blog but this time its purely about money talks. I intend to open a new blog coz i wanted to publish my online earnings articles separately. This time i will publish all posts related to my online earnings on my fourth blog MONEY TALKS. Including my payment prrof and other new ways to earn money online. Hope you can add my newesta ddition to my sets of blog. Thanks in Advance

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Adsense Secrets

I started blogging few years ago but there was really no intention at that time of monetizing my blog. It was purely just an avenue to share my daily lifes experience but eventually after i read some of the amazing earnings from friends i realized i wanted to give it a try and thats how it all started. Now i am more fascinated with my google adsense account, as how im going to maximize it and im glad im in the midst of more readings. Its with research and reading that you can gain valuable insights. But i am also happy that each month my adsense account is continually gaining unlike before where i took it forgranted that it just stay in between cents but now after i gave much needed concentration, its has upsurged and months from now i knew i can eventually reap the fruit of my labor. How about you, how do u manage your adsense accounts?

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Is Today a Lucky Day?

Ive seen few chinese dance on streets when i went out, they were outside of a Chinese Store with the dragon dance and dressed in a very red fancy dress, Ive thought it was a Chinese New Year coz the dances are for New Year but im bet i was wrong, its the date today i guess. Its 10-10-10. So whats with the date? is there any supresticious beliefs associated with this day? Is these a lucky day for us? or just lucky to those who makes themselves lucky. Though i do believe in lucky charms but at the end of the day there isnt no thing as "lucky" its how we workd things out to have good charms in our life.
Nonetheless, Incidentally this year, October has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays, and 5 Sundays. It happens once in 823 years

Press Release Centre

News is one most important aspect of life, we need to be updated and we need to know the latest development may it be in politics, inventions and even showbiz just to while away our time. Normaly we get these news through newspapapers and through online websites but as they say we should always be careful of our sources and not just believe in the paper that we read. If you are looking for a page where you can get directly new press releases and you be guaranteed of the credibility then you should add to your browser 'press release distribution'- this is an online press release distribution service, where it allows your to get the hottest and freshest news ever in all fields.
For more information visit press release distribution center

Krispy Kreme Doughnut

This is the most expensive doughnut i ever tasted but its worth of your penny. It tastes incredibly great than your usual doughnuts. My brother bought from Manila 5 boxes of doughnuts and it costs him nearly 3k. Isnt it really so expensive? but its all worth it, the taste is really so different and i really love it. I dont think its available in my place coz i really want to bought some for my family. I remembered last year, our auditor whom i was so closed at bought a Krespy kreme doughnut all the way from Manila and when he arrived in Ormoc, the box was already not in good form but still i was grateful, he was the closest auditor ever and sweet too. That was the first time i tasted Krispy Kreme and i discovered in my life that theres this expensive doughnut ever in this country.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Through THick and Thin

You can sense the real value of th people closest to you when they stay with you all through out. When your at your saddest times, in sickness and in health and even during at your happiest day. When i was confined and sick for few days, i really felt the presence of the closest people in my life. I thank God that i have my family and the man who have completely changed my life. Really i cannot complain of right now and it just came to a point that i said to myself that this is it. I will be sticking with him for forever. I love you so much, man of my dreams.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Was Sick

Glad im feelin better now after a two day fever which was terribly bad, i coundt eat and i coundt even stand on my own. I was wonderin what was really happening, just thought it was aflu but i was wrong, good thing we detected it earlier. My Urinary Tract Infection just missed me. I realized it when my abdomen was really aching and my urine was already different, not the normal one. Im just lucky that my brother is promiting the leading brand for UTI so he immedietly asked me to take one coz before when i was hospitalized it was already the same med that was prescribed. Now im feeling much better, my fever has subsides and finally my appetite was feelin better. But i guess i just need a little rest.

Friday, October 1, 2010


1.Three Names You Go By:

-Cathy, cat, Catherine

2. Three Things found in your bag:
-cellphone, make up kit, wallet

Love Survey: You must answer every
question TRUTHFULLY!!

[01] Are you currently in a
- yes

[02] Have you ever been given a rose?

[03] What is your all-time favorite
lovestory movie?
-Notting Hill

[04] Are you inlove right now?
-well, yes

[05] Do you believe that everyone
has a soulmate ?
-yeah (hehehhe)

[07] Have you ever had your heart
- a lot of times

[08] Your thoughts of online or long
distance relationships?
-it works, am in LDR now

[9] Have you ever seen a friend as more
than a friend?
-hmm, yah

[10] The person your with right now,
do you want to spend your life with?
-hmmm i wish to but only time can tell

[11] How many kids do you want to
- i want two sana

[12] What is/are & your favorite
-pink as always

[13] Who are your celebrity crush(es)?
-papa P

[14] Do you believe you truly only
love once?
-yeah parang

[15] Imagine you're 79 & your spouse
just died, would you get re-married?
-No na yata

[16] Do you believe in love at first
-No, theyre all just fairy tales

[17] What song u want to be played at
your wedding?
- On THis Day by David Pomerans

[18] Do you like anyone?
- yeah naman

Thank God Its Friday

Well tomorrow is the best day of the week, its quite cold and rainy here though i havent heard of any tropical depression. I just arrived froma supermarket, had my grocery for a week and i also just had my food take out at the restaurant. There isnt new for this week, nothing much stories to tell except of my daily routines and everyday experience. Im excited to go home before the end of the month because of the Election Day. My mom will be one of those candidate who will try her luck for this coming election, though we dont agree much on her plan because of the dirty game this politics is but we support her all the way, that how we love her. I knew she will be happy in that field and i guess thats all we can do for now, to support her and to help her in all endeavors she wanted to do in her life. I just wish my mom will win in these election and if not we are also happy coz i knew God has ultimate reasons for that. What i just dont want is that she will just be hurt in the process especially that there are plenty of people who will really try to destroy her. Its a fact people has insecurity by nature and some people doesnt want others to be succesful or to have good fate but if youre at the side of truth and goodness, you can never put a good person down. I just remembered a situation before of my sister who was maltreated my another council member, it was so painful for the family coz she is so young to be yelled by an adult and to experience such traumatic situation. The whole family was really so mad at what happened to the point that we were considering for a legal battle. That all was result of politics and the rootcause of all the mess. I just hope that by now people will be more matured and do hope the coming election will be much peaceful. Just crossing my finger.