Monday, June 15, 2009

Rants and everything

I dont know how to start this post, all im just thinking is just i have lots of things to share, let me start, i actually went home early last friday since we dont have office for the commemoration of our Independence day, while last saturday we bond at the nely opened mall - Robinsons place Tacloban. I hurriedly went back to Ormoc last sunday afternoon because there was a problem on our plant, that is why i took an overtime last night. I was able to go home past 4 am this morning. Of course my eyebags and my tired body was almost ready to give, but then i had no choice but to attend our operations meeting this afternoon. It was really so dramatic, exciting and a bit full of tensions, my collegues whom we had some sort of gap was able to air out his grievances against my department, in return i prepared a memo for him and a corresponding exception report, it turned out that my boss got mad to him because of his negligence and irresponsiblity. I am not actually into truning people's life into misery its just that he needs a lesson and for him to realize his wrongs, he nees disciplinary measure, right?