Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Emotional Stuff

Here i am once again, after a quite a while, i am again ranting this stuff, but this time, its over. I just couldnt measure how much tears felt after all the realization that came out, it turns out that all those years, he was cheating me, not until tonight that ive read all his mails by coincidence. I didnt know how to react at first but then as sanity prevails, i keep myself relax and calm trying to figure out things as out of the difficult trials i had. Knowing him at first made me believe that the relationship would somehow works between us, but then as time goes by, it just turns out to be just one of my biggest dreams, and keping him just be exclusive would turn out to be a miracle. I knew this is too late for realization, but then i am somehow thankful for this early discovery, i knew i made a mistake once more, but then, who didnt!
There is no perfect person, and all along i was just praying for someone i would loved and love me back, a simple dream yet a dream unreachable. It so hard to long for perfection and never in my entire life i look for perfect set-up.,i just want simplcity in my journey but all along i was given a very hard road. There isnt easy, i knew.
As ive watched my wristwatch, it's past 1 in the morning and after all the pains that ive felt today i still manage to smile and i am positive that by tomorrow the sun will shine..and hopefully a bright day will await me amidst my heartaches.


ssnuffy said...

Hi Katy,
Good Stuff!!. Forty one years ago I fell in love. And I waited n waited for those bells n whistles but they never came. and I bought in to the mind set that I was Prince charming and she the Princess. And we'd live happily ever after. But We are all just Gods "chillin' and we all come with faults. and unless we understand that rest just aint enuff. The love is the magic part, again created by God. And if we treat it with care, nurture it, giveing and forgiving 120% God will honor that union. But very few "magic Marriages occur on their own. Now my 40 years were not bliss. and many of those years were givin to arguements n struggle. but the more I learned that marriage was sacred and functioned best when treated as such the more it became good. God whispered in my ear one day,,,,,When I blessed your Union, I made the two one in spirit, you need to listen to her and weight what she says"". When I learned to do thatI found things ran more smoothly and he was able to bless us more..
Be selective Katy, God has a plan for you. and his wish is that you find the happynesss you seek. gods very best Al (ssnuffy )