Friday, February 15, 2008

Hearts Day

Today we celebrate the season of love, the favorite holidays of lovers, perhaps to those who are in love, this will their most romantic and unforgettable day but for those who are single, this would be just an ordinary day,thu it seems we envy those couples and girls having flowers and chocolates,nevertheless, we enjoy our singlehood.
As i went home after office, rain suddnely poured, it was really heavy that i was even wet the moment i arrived at home.At the door step, i've met my board mate with his bf, they were actually going out for a dinner, a date actually.When i entered the room, i was suddenly fascinated by the loneliness and emptiness of the four corner walls. I began to think "why am i alone"?suddenly i heared something outside, maybe a beautiful love song, and it really amazed me, so went out to see what was going on outside, but it was just a our neighbor playing their cd, but quite nice, on my way to bed, my attention was caught by a beutiful thing, there it was, a bouquet of roses from the bf of my boardmate, out of curiousity, i get it and i saw the message...there it goes"to baby"....i would always apprecaite the moment you walked in my life"..i said" wow" and tears suddenly fell,,i dont know...i guess because i was touched of the message and i feel that my friend was indeed lucky to have him.
That moment really made me sad,,but still i managed to control it.coz i know in God's best time,,i would met the man he intends to paint my life not anymore with blue but with colors that would surely brightens my life..
I would always look forward for that day,,i may never knew when will that be, but who knows as i went out from office and take my lunch, cupid would start to create my story.